Tuesday 18 September 2012

We must really love informatics

It has been decreed by Jarrah that from now until dinner is our "free afternoon". We can do literally anything we want right now, we have no exams to sit or problem sessions to attend. What are we doing? We are sitting in a silent computer lab, practising informatics.

This is, of course, not what most people would think of as a "fun afternoon". We learnt a long time ago that we are not like most people (In a totally non-elitist way. We aren't better than most people. We are just weird). Most people would not order two massive glasses of orange juice to have with breakfast just so that the price would match exactly $20, most people would not stay up far later than they should this close to an IOI just so they could play another round of a word game and most people would not care about the outcome of a competition which took place years before they were born. Yet we do. We are strange. You probably knew that already.

It is the fourth day of the IOI training camp now. We've sat two practice IOI exams and the Japanese Olympiad in Informatics, each going for five hours. At this rate, we should be well and truly used to exams by the time we get to Italy.

Aside from the fifteen hours of exams, we have discovered that the AMT really wants their IOI team to eat well. We have been to very nice restaurants and eaten very nice food for every meal.

As far as I know, we're set to have another exam every day up until the IOI. We don't really mind this. Again, we are weird and we like exams. Exams exams exams.

Look at me, still talking when there's Informatics to do.

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